It's been a long time since I posted the first steps about applying to a business school abroad. Now, I'm going to continue describing, from my very personal perspective, steps three and four, called "facing the tests" and "letting your mind fly".
First of all, I would like to wish you all a healthy and successful 2012, plenty of challenges and personal growth, both familiar and professional. So, after this introduction, let's start with our core business.
After your preparation regarding GMAT and Toefl tests, you must decide when to take those. This third step must not be done right after you complete your prep; on the opposite, must be previously coordinated, it means you have to be researching about evaluation centers (authorised ones) and dates available. Visit ETS and GMAC (Council which administers GMAT test) websites for further information. Try to ask people who have taken exams in the past in order to get some tips and helpful facts. For instance, I remember I obviated this item and arrived to the center where I had to face Toefl and it was kind of a big room with several desktops, almost all were occupied by an applicant and it doesn't mean that all of us started test at the same time, so you can imagine how difficult it was to concentrate on your reading if you were also hearing a lot of people speaking loudly in order to record a good answer for their speaking sections. Terrible!
Another fact to take into consideration is the time you take the test. In my opinion, it is better to face the challenge at the beginning of the day because, after a shower, you feel fresh and very lucid to be sit in front a computer for about four hours!!! I can imagine if I had chosen to take the tests in the afternoon, with lunch done. Think as well on which test face in the first place. GMAT or Toefl? Plan your strategy since you decide to apply. My suggestion is to take GMAT first because I consider it a tougher exam, so once you pass it, you may feel a little more relax to take Toefl. Again, plan your strategy and take the best decision for you :).
Do not forget one important fact: both exams represents important expenses, so do not take them if you don't feel well prepared. It is preferrable to delay your evaluation date than get a low score on them. That's about step three.
Regarding step #4, as I named it, just let your inspiration fly. Review one and another time essays questions and think on possible answers always keeping in mind that those have to reflect who you are, what your essence is. Remember it because applicants sometimes make the same mistake writing what we think admission committees want to read instead of writing paragraphs on which we can reflect ourselves. It doesn't mean to lie, to show ourselves as perfect human beings with excellent credentials and flawless professional paths. It doesn't! It is just about answer the question and taking advantage of the chance to show our potential, how our sthrenghs could increase the level of the class, while we recognize our weaknesses.
Main point: just be yourself.
In addition, preparate a draft answer, then re-read your answer to avoid mistakes. It is important to look for anyone else opinion. Another eyes that can detect some details which do not contribute with the queality of our essays. You may also include in your budget some money to pay for an edit service in order to get a more accurate revision of your work. I suggest Stacy Blackman Consulting but you can find many other alternatives on internet.
Well, I think this post may helo you with your decision. I will return soon with steps five and six. Try to not let several days pass as ocurred with this post. My apologies.
Remember, take the best decision for you. It's your life!!!
See you.
* GMAT, GMAC, Toefl, ETS and Stacy Blackman are registered trademarks.