Friday, November 16, 2012

Rotterdam at night

One of my last nights in this beautiful city. A very quiet town but with a priceless diversity :)

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Papá Pelao, hola, a los años (III)

Abuelito Lorenzo, hola de nuevo.
Hace ya algún tiempo que no te escribía y creo que es momento de hacerlo, sobretodo porque las cosas han ido muy bien ahora último, no sólo para mí, creo que para todos.
Mi abuelita Alejita siempre se acuerda de tí. Este mes la operan de sus varices, es algo sencillo, ambulatorio no más. No es para preocuparse.
Estoy robando algunos minutos en la chamba para escribirte, así que seré breve. Te paso una foto con tu nieto Álvaro, está grande, un poco rebelde, es propio de su edad (13). Creo que en esa foto salimos bien, creo.
De verdad que me siento bastante contento, las cosas se han encaminado y todo -al menos hasta ahora- se perfila como bueno.
Sofi ya debe estar de vuelta en Chicago después de pasar una regular temporada por el Reino Unido. Yo también necesito un viaje pero tengo otros planes en mente, así que hemos iniciado el plan ahorro.
Te dejo, me despido con un fuerte abrazo y un beso.
Cuídanos a todos... desde allá arriba.
Tu nieto que te quiere y te extraña:
Hugo Alonso

PD. Adjunto un video con motivo del día del padre que se acerca. FELIZ DÍA ABUELITO LORENZO.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Facing unexpected delays... in posting :S

After many weeks... I'm here!
My intention at the very beginning when came to Rotterdam was to post something about my 2012 experience at least once per week... but I failed. Nonetheless, today I decided to post because I received during day an invitation from MBA Marketing office to post in RSM MBA blog. Nice news!!!
Beyond effort to succeed in different courses and activities, it has been a nice team since I got here. No regret in my decision. Now, I want to share the text I wrote for MBA blog.
"Hola! Hello! Hallo! Namaste!
I want to start my first RSM post saying "Thank you!" to MBA Marketing office for this opportunity to write about this life-changing experience and spread school's brand. On the other hand, I would like to tell you a little bit more about "the other" MBA, the one beyond classrooms and which occurs in S building at EUR, in Sports Center. Why? Let me explain.
Have you ever heard about MBAT?MBAT is a championship organized by HEC Paris, in its campus, every year in May. European business schools have the chance to compete in many disciplines such as tennis, footbal, voleyball, etc. I registered to compete in football, tennis and... Salsa!!! (I'm latinamerican if you didn't notice), and just recently started to get ready for competition in France, at least with football which is worldwide known so people are most enthusiastic to practice and no matter what happens, every week we meet to play 1 or 2 hours.
Now, I can tell you that the reasons I chose this topic to talk about. First, I want prospective students also know about parallel activities people can develop while studying here, and second, in my opinion, balancing studies with sports is a good way to enjoy the experience even more. Playing football in my case, has allowed to know more my classmates in depth, spending great time out of classrooms and strengthening friendship. There is one additional reason: my fellows are already posting about statistics, long nights, accounting, open market, conferences, snow, Stadhuis, residence permits, etc. Whatever I might say, it's already done. You only have to refer to excellent posts previously released.
Finally, if you want to join RSM because of intellectual challenge, you are in right place, but if you also want to do more than academic activities, definitely, you are in the right path.Along the next posts, I will tell more about preparation process and the competition itself. Hope to bring home any trophy. We'll do our best, for sure!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Just the beginning (iii)

Continuing with MBA application 'road-map', I will describe how was my personal experience with steps five and six. I would like to start this post with another sentence but will leave it for the end.
Step five is about selecting your reference. It doesn't mean to choose high-positioned executive in your current or previous job. What it involves is that you have to be smart to select two or three people (depending on what business school requires) who can 'talk' about you from a deep point of view, people who have been witnesses of your performance and progression during you professional path. Your references must agree with what you are mentioning on your essays. The reason for this advice is that admission officers must be able to identify a unique individual, not two or three of they find that your references show one applicant and your essays another. Be careful with that. It is recommended that you meet your referees in order to mention and discuss which kind of questions will they face and drafting a possible answer they could give. Do not obligate them to answer what you want. Let them to inspire. From personal and others experience, sometimes referees suggest to applicant to prepare a draft version for answer and them they read it and send a final answer to schools. In all situations, be prepared to select references and take advantage of the knowledge they have about you.
Next step, the sixth, comes on board only if you receive an admission offer from selected business school. So, assuming all previous steps were developed successfully, I will continue with number six. Note: important suggestion: try to apply by the first deadline (it will help you to do correctly next step). Continuing, in this part of the lane you have to arrange all documents necessary for Visa, housing, payments and that kind of obligations you now have with school. For this, it is implied that when you took the decision to apply you review some information on how to finance your studies. If you didn't, DO IT NOW!!!
Regarindg Visa, housing and payments, officers from school contact you to detail what documents you need for each instance, for example: original transcripts, passport with due dat longer than your expected permanence abroad, proof of enough income (here you have loans, savings, etc.), insurance, payment in advance to proceed with your documents and so on. There are many activities you have to do in order to have everything ready prior to your flight to destination. It is better to buy air ticket after your Visa has been approved but sometimes you find irresistible offers from air companies (especially if you have to cross an ocean) that you can bet you will get a positive answer from migrations and buy your ticket in advance. It depends on your instinct.
Finally, I have to talk about last step, named "enjoy the journey", but here I will dissapoint you because I don't have anything to say and the reason is that just recently, about three and a half hours ago, I arrived to Rotterdam, my home for the next twelve months -as a minimum- and I am just starting to write the next chapter of this story. So seventh step has a lot to be posted and I promise to continue updating the blog. That's why I started saying "would like to start this post with another sentence...". I am excited... really!

Saturday, January 7, 2012


There are still some hours to depart to face a new and (supossed) exciting experience.

At this moment, I can not realize if my insomnia relies either on the hours I slept during afternoon or on my excitement mode. It's quite difficult to define; however, I know I have to take advantage of every moment, every second during my stay in Rotterdam. I must confess I am not the kind of person extremely espontaneous but a quiet and, sometimes, shy; nonetheless, this time I require to find out a way to let myself behave in a different way, a way which allows me to enjoy every moment, every fellow, every faculty.

In addition, at this time I am not able to predict how this year could end. I have wishes on it. I would like it ends in a certain way. All my efforts will be put focusing on that goal. Really hope I can beat my own fears. Really hope.

Safe trip to myself.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Just the beginning (ii)

It's been a long time since I posted the first steps about applying to a business school abroad. Now, I'm going to continue describing, from my very personal perspective, steps three and four, called "facing the tests" and "letting your mind fly".
First of all, I would like to wish you all a healthy and successful 2012, plenty of challenges and personal growth, both familiar and professional. So, after this introduction, let's start with our core business.
After your preparation regarding GMAT and Toefl tests, you must decide when to take those. This third step must not be done right after you complete your prep; on the opposite, must be previously coordinated, it means you have to be researching about evaluation centers (authorised ones) and dates available. Visit ETS and GMAC (Council which administers GMAT test) websites for further information. Try to ask people who have taken exams in the past in order to get some tips and helpful facts. For instance, I remember I obviated this item and arrived to the center where I had to face Toefl and it was kind of a big room with several desktops, almost all were occupied by an applicant and it doesn't mean that all of us started test at the same time, so you can imagine how difficult it was to concentrate on your reading if you were also hearing a lot of people speaking loudly in order to record a good answer for their speaking sections. Terrible!
Another fact to take into consideration is the time you take the test. In my opinion, it is better to face the challenge at the beginning of the day because, after a shower, you feel fresh and very lucid to be sit in front a computer for about four hours!!! I can imagine if I had chosen to take the tests in the afternoon, with lunch done. Think as well on which test face in the first place. GMAT or Toefl? Plan your strategy since you decide to apply. My suggestion is to take GMAT first because I consider it a tougher exam, so once you pass it, you may feel a little more relax to take Toefl. Again, plan your strategy and take the best decision for you :).
Do not forget one important fact: both exams represents important expenses, so do not take them if you don't feel well prepared. It is preferrable to delay your evaluation date than get a low score on them. That's about step three.
Regarding step #4, as I named it, just let your inspiration fly. Review one and another time essays questions and think on possible answers always keeping in mind that those have to reflect who you are, what your essence is. Remember it because applicants sometimes make the same mistake writing what we think admission committees want to read instead of writing paragraphs on which we can reflect ourselves. It doesn't mean to lie, to show ourselves as perfect human beings with excellent credentials and flawless professional paths. It doesn't! It is just about answer the question and taking advantage of the chance to show our potential, how our sthrenghs could increase the level of the class, while we recognize our weaknesses.
Main point: just be yourself.
In addition, preparate a draft answer, then re-read your answer to avoid mistakes. It is important to look for anyone else opinion. Another eyes that can detect some details which do not contribute with the queality of our essays. You may also include in your budget some money to pay for an edit service in order to get a more accurate revision of your work. I suggest Stacy Blackman Consulting but you can find many other alternatives on internet.
Well, I think this post may helo you with your decision. I will return soon with steps five and six. Try to not let several days pass as ocurred with this post. My apologies.
Remember, take the best decision for you. It's your life!!!
See you.
* GMAT, GMAC, Toefl, ETS and Stacy Blackman are registered trademarks.